viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

What will happen to Recuperadores Urbanos if the Solid Waste Treatment Centers are built?

Last Wednesday, October 31st, I was invited to participate at an Exposition and Round Table on a project about solid waste treatment in Buenos Aires City.
The local government has recently informed of the construction of solid waste treatment centers, that would handle almost half of the waste produced in Buenos Aires today. Many people who work collecting recyclable materials, called Recuperadores Urbanos, have been fighting for years to be a part of the solid waste treatment system in the city. Therefore, with this new treatment centers’ project, lots of doubts arise. Mainly on how both actors will work together, the Treatment Centers and the Recuperadores Urbanos. This Exposition and Round Table aims to gather opinions of every actor and try to generate synergy in their actions.
A synthesis of my presentation:
Consumer rights include access to basic resources as water, fair commerce, anti-monopoly laws and also the last part of the consuming process: the treatment of the waste generated by consumption.
I would like to mention as an example, that the Union of Users and Consumers in Argentina, is about to conclude an awareness campaign in alliance with Consumers International and the Sweedish Society for Nature Conservation. We have contacted neighbors and organizations in Buenos Aires city, to raise public awareness about the importance of recycling and reutilization of waste, supporting the collection and recycling campaign held by Rock&Vida.
Besides, consumer’s rights include the subject of sustainable consumption, or green consumption. Though when we mention the subject the first thing that comes to our minds is the natural environment, we should also consider aspects that would make consumption a more economic, social and politically sustainable practice. That is why it is important to care for vulnerable sectors whose work uses values as solidarity and increases consumption in sectors with extremely limited access to many privileges other social classes have.

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